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Select Your Cycle

Choose your cycle based on whatever time periods you’ve already studied. If you’re just starting school, go with Cycle 1.


Add on

To enhance your main core subjects, we offer other courses such as the Morning Time packets and Language Arts. You may want to add these other courses for a complete feast.


Complete Your Purchase

After you choose your main cycle and any additional products, simply check out, and we will email you instructions for how to access all your materials in our user-friendly portal.


Log in to Your Online Portal

Here’s where you can feast on all the resources and plans we created to get you started on your Charlotte Mason homeschool journey.

Tests, worksheets, and endless lesson plans ...oh my!

Can you relate?

  • You checked off all the boxes for the day, but still feel like you didn’t accomplish anything
  • You are frustrated because there’s never enough time to include subjects that bring YOU joy
  • You want to do something other than “school at home” but you are unsure where to even start

  • You want your child to love to learn, but even you find the lessons boring
  • You want to foster sibling relationships, but the curriculum you are currently using has you all separated
  • You feel EXHAUSTED at the end of each day (and the kids still want dinner)
If this is you, pull up a chair…

don't lose sight of why you decided to Homeschool Your Kids

You can have meaningful, delight-filled homeschool days while still finding time to spend outdoors AND get dinner on the table at a decent hour.

(Take it from someone who has over 20 years experience homeschooling)

Learning can be A Gentle Feast

In order to help you find a rhythm and flow for your homeschool days, A Gentle Feast is set up like a four-course meal. Simply add in a bit of each course, and you will be on your way to a delicious experience.

Morning Time

Music. Art. Poetry. Allow these areas and more to train your child to love what’s good. Start your school days with nourishing rhythms that promote connection. We’ve taken the guesswork and planning out of creating a morning time that gets everyone to the table (or couch, trampoline, porch—ya get the picture).

Our guides include an entire year of lesson plans with multi-media links, visuals, and student printables to give you open-and-go materials.

Eliminate the morning craziness with our easy-to-use Morning Time guides that will fill your family’s hearts and minds with truth, beauty, and goodness.

Language Arts

In an age of smartphones and AI, it is more important than ever that we instill children with beautiful language. For everyone from the beginner who is first learning letters to the middle schooler copying Washington’s speech, we have materials to help your entire family build their language acquisition.

Core Subjects

Take the guesswork out of sifting through stacks of books … we’ll help you schedule your readings for all your main subjects and give you room to customize.

But we don’t stop there. The Core Subject Lesson Plans also include teacher training videos, support materials, and supplemental resources to equip you, the modern homeschool parent, to be the best teacher for your own kids—because let’s just be honest—you would rather spend your precious summer time not hunched over a stack of books.

For math resources, download my Charlotte Mason’s guide to math.


Supplemental Materials

Arts. Movement. Nature. Instead of spending your afternoons listening to fighting over the remote, enrich your kids’ lives outside of formal lessons.

Digital Courses

Don’t neglect to fill your own cup, momma!

We are here to support and equip you on your journey. Consider us your Gandalf but without the long beard!

From our free podcast and workshops to our intensive 12-week course, The Confident Homeschool Mom, we’ll hold your hand to help you create a life and homeschool you love!

the votes are in!

“What I LOVE”

What I love about A Gentle Feast is that it makes Charlotte Mason accessible to me. With my ADHD it would take me hours to research and decide on what feast to lay out. I love that the heart of the curriculum lends itself to adaptability.


“given me a great rthythm”

I love how A Gentle Feast has given a great rhythm to our weeks and helped me become more organized! I was the “too relaxed” homeschooler before finding AGF, and I was all over the place with when we did lessons. Thank you for creating an attainable, interesting feast that even this frazzled Mom can implement and enjoy.


“gain a love for learning”

I knew I wanted my daughter to have a CM education. It seemed unattainable and intimidating. AGF makes CM’s philosophies so approachable and laying the feast seamless for us. I’ve seen my daughter truly gain a love for learning and grow in her confidence in areas where she felt defeated before.


“i get love, support and encouragement”
A Gentle Feast offers amazing living book suggestions and the already-thought-of plans provide a guide that helps us stay the course. But the most valuable thing I get from AGF is the love, support, and encouragement from Julie and my fellow homeschooling mamas in this community


a look

by the numbers

29,482 families using our curriculum

112 products

4 different history cycles

2,014 books

48 artists and composers

0 hours spent pulling your hair out...priceless

We are here to help!

Stuck sorting through the options? Not sure what you need to purchase or what would be a good fit for your family? Connect with our team to get recommendations on which products are the best fit for your family.


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