Co-op License 

A coop license is good for one teacher and up to 25 students for one year. This is in addition to the cost of the product.

online lesson plans $200

A co-op license allows each teacher the ability to use the lesson plans for their class.  The teacher can share the assignments with the class, but may not copy the manual or share online plans.

morning time manual $100

A co-op license allows the teacher to use the morning time plans in the classroom.  Copies of artwork and student pages may be made for up to 25 students.

Language arts student Packet $100

A co-op license allows the teacher to make copies of the student language arts and handwriting packets for a class of up to 25 students.

sight and sound $150

A co-op license allows the teacher to make copies of the student language arts and handwriting packets for a class of up to 25 students.

coop Discount

A co-op license allows the teacher to make copies of the student language arts and handwriting packets for a class of up to 25 students. Email for more information.

Are you placing a school order for someone else?

If you are wanting to purchase curriculum license for someone else, be it a charter school student, a gift for someone, etc. follow these three easy steps:

  1. Purchase the product
  2. Register for a new account for the recipient
  3. Email A Gentle Feast with the purchase order number and the recipient’s email.

products without religious content

We understand some states require to purchase only products without religious content in order to receive reimbursement. 

Got questions about your coop or school order?

We would love to chat with you about your needs. Send us an email at

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