Welcome to February—the hardest homeschooling month of the year! If you’ve been homeschooling for any length of time, you probably know what I mean. Much like a marathon runner hitting “the wall” around mile 10, homeschool moms often hit their own wall in February. Maybe it’s burnout. Maybe it’s a sense of discontent, wondering if things are working. Maybe it’s just feeling like everything is harder than it should be.
But take heart, mama! You are not alone. This season is temporary, and you will make it to the finish line. Today, I want to offer you some friendly encouragement and practical tips to help you press on and reclaim the joy in your homeschool journey.
Tip #1: Adjust Your Pace
No marathon runner sprints the entire race. A steady, sustainable pace is key, and the same is true for homeschooling. If you’re feeling exhausted or discouraged, now is the time to step back and reassess. What’s truly essential? What can you let go of for now?
Here are a few ways to adjust your pace and find a rhythm that works:
Envision the finish line. How do you want to feel when the school year ends?
Give yourself permission to slow down. Your kids won’t fall behind if you take a step back to breathe.
Prioritize wisely. What subjects are non-negotiable right now? What can wait?
Let go of extras (for now). It’s okay if that elaborate science project or poetry tea time takes a backseat for a bit.
Join my free February Recharge Challenge. Sometimes, a little structure and encouragement make all the difference.
Take 5–30 minutes every Sunday to plan your week. A simple plan reduces overwhelm.
Keep things flexible and simple. A basic spiral notebook can be a game-changer for low-pressure planning!
Tip #2: Be Prepared for the Wall
Marathon runners expect to hit the wall around mile 10. They don’t panic when their glucose stores deplete, and they suddenly feel like quitting—they prepare for it. Homeschool moms should do the same.
February will feel hard. You might get sick. The weather will be dreary. The monotony might start to feel never-ending. But if you anticipate this, you won’t be caught off guard. Instead, you’ll recognize it as a normal part of the journey and adjust accordingly.
Plan for lower-energy days. Have simple activities or read-alouds ready for when motivation dips.
Give yourself permission to take a break. A short reset can work wonders.
Stock up on encouragement. Have a go-to list of homeschool wins, favorite resources, or uplifting podcasts to revisit.
Remember: This is temporary. Spring is coming, and so is a renewed sense of joy.
Tip #3: Refuel Yourself
You can’t pour from an empty cup, and you certainly can’t homeschool effectively if you’re running on fumes. Just like a marathoner needs water, energy gels, and rest stops, homeschool moms need consistent refueling to avoid burnout.
This concept is what Charlotte Mason called “Mother Culture”—nourishing your own mind, body, and soul so you can pour into your children from a place of abundance.
Try incorporating a few of these into your daily or weekly routine:
Get outside for a 30-minute walk. Fresh air does wonders!
Turn up the music and have a 15-minute dance party. Bonus: Your kids will love it too!
Take 10 minutes for something small that makes you feel good. A fresh coat of nail polish, a cup of tea, or a chapter in a book.
Stretch. Invite your kids to join you—movement is good for everyone!
Set aside time for personal reading. Even 10 minutes of a great book can refuel your mind. Here’s my list of recommended books for homeschool moms.
- Try this fun February care challenge:

Tip #4: Shift Your Mindset
Homeschooling isn’t just a physical task—it’s a mental marathon, too. And the thoughts we choose to dwell on can make or break our experience.
If you find yourself thinking:
“This is so hard.”
“I don’t know if I can keep doing this.”
“Maybe I’m not cut out for this.”
I want you to stop and shift your mindset. Replace those thoughts with:
“I am strong.”
“I can do this.”
“This season will pass, and I will finish well.”
One practical way I do this is what I call my “Drop and Give Me 20” exercise—
Not 20 push-ups (don’t worry!). Instead, I grab my notebook and write down 20 things I’m grateful for.
Gratitude shifts everything. It doesn’t erase the hard days, but it gives you a fresh perspective. And that perspective will carry you through to the finish line.
Here are even more tips to help recharge your homeschool.
You Are Not Alone—And You Will Finish Strong!
Dear homeschool mama, I know February can feel tough. But I also know this: You are doing a beautiful job. Your kids are learning and growing, and so are you. This season won’t last forever, and brighter days are ahead.
So, take a deep breath, adjust your pace, refuel yourself, and shift your mindset. And know that as you press on, you have a whole crowd of homeschool moms (including me!) cheering you on to the finish line.
You’ve got this!
Keep living boldly,
Julie Ross