100 Gentle Lessons in Sight and Sound Level 1 teaches phonics and sight words to beginning readers through popular nursery rhymes. Following Miss Mason’s philosophy on teaching reading, the students learn interesting words by sight and sound out word families related to the poetry.
Students will learn over 100 sight words including high frequency words such as “little” and “where,” along with unique words, such as “frightened” in Little Miss Muffet. Students will engage in hands-on activities like writing words in sand, building words with letter tiles, and moving a car to blend the letters. Based on the public domain book, The Natural Method Reader: Primer, students will apply the sight words they learned in the poem to read prose stories. In the sound lessons, students will explore short and long vowel combinations, consonant blends, and diphthongs.
The lessons are short and designed for you to work at your child’s pace.
These lessons are recommended for beginning readers in first grade and up.
Please note: The workbook is Black/White with a color cover. The letter tiles and word building mat are in color. Please view sample.
You can try the first 10 lessons free HERE and get the sample flash cards HERE.
You will receive the following in the Sight and Sound Kit:
“In the first place, let us bear in mind that reading is not a science nor an art. Even if it were, the children must still be the first consideration with the educator; but it is not. Learning to read is no more than picking up, how we can, a knowledge of certain arbitrary symbols for objects and ideas. There are absolutely no right and necessary ‘steps’ to reading, each of which leads to the next; there is no true beginning, middle, or end. For the arbitrary symbols we must know in order to read are not letters, but words. By way of illustration, consider the delicate differences of sound represented by the letter ‘o’ in the last sentence; to analyze and classify the sounds of ‘o’ in ‘for,’ ‘symbols,’ ‘know,’ ‘order,’ ‘to,’ ‘not,’ and ‘words,’ is a curious, not especially useful, study for a philologist, but a laborious and inappropriate one for a child. It is time we faced the fact that the letters which compose an English word are full of philological interest, and that their study will be a valuable part of education by-and-by; but meantime, sound and letter-sign are so loosely wedded in English, that to base the teaching of reading on the sounds of the letters only, is to lay up for the child much analytic labour, much mental confusion, due to the irregularities of the language; and some little moral strain in making the sound of a letter in a given word fall under any of the ‘sounds’ he has been taught.
Definitely, what is it we propose in teaching a child to read? (a) that he shall know at sight, say, some thousand words; (b) That he shall be able to build up new words with the elements of these. Let him learn ten new words a day, and in twenty weeks he will be to some extent able to read, without any question as to the number of letters in a word. For the second, and less important, part of our task, the child must know the sounds of the letters, and acquire power to throw given sounds into new combinations.
What we want is a bridge between the child’s natural interests and those arbitrary symbols with which he must become acquainted, and which, as we have seen, are words, and not letters.” – Home Education, pg. 215-216
Your child will delight in the following activities:
“This is a gentle and easy to use early reading program that uses well-known nursery rhymes to teach reading with a combination of both phonics and sight words. The lessons are short, effective, and enjoyable. They are the perfect fit for a Charlotte Mason based education.” – Amber
“Yes, we are enjoying The Gentle Lessons in Sight and Sound very much. It is easy to do and accomplishes a lot in short lessons. On a personal side note our daughter that we are using this with is adopted from China. She has a repaired cleft lip and palate and has been in speech for several years. This has been working wonderfully for her and she is gaining a lot of confidence in a very short time, which makes us happy for her. She has said phonics is her favorite subject! (It’s really her only one for now other than sitting in with her brother in Form 1).” – Carrie W.
“Before using 100 Gentle Lessons in Sight and Sound, I struggled teaching my son to read. And it wasn’t him! And it really wasn’t me. I knew deep down it was the tools we were using. We started preschool with a phonis heavy curriculum, and he became a phonics master. Then in Kindergarten. We struggled. The lessons were laborious for both of us. And he wasn’t progressing. I knew we needed help. In the summer before first grade, we worked with a dear friend who was a reading instructor, who identified he had so many gaps in his reading readiness. He was so phonics heavy, he couldn’t read. We needed to switch curriculums. After using two different other curriculums, I had so much stress and anxiety over the last couple of years trying to teach my son to read. I was really afraid I wasn’t going to be able to do it. Then I discovered A Gentle Feast’s 100 Gentle Lessons in Sight and Sound. I prayed this was our solution. We were already using A Gentle Feast’s White Year and I had grown to love and trust Julie as she nurtured us in her Facebook group. I knew I could access her if I needed help. And I am delighted to report that my son is not only doing great, he LOVES it! These old, familiar rhymes hold his attention. He always wants to know what rhyme we are doing next. I love that each poem gently builds upon the previous poem. Julie has done a great job adding in activities that build upon the reading. Each day we just open up to the lesson and we are done in 15-20 minutes. No planning. No prep (except for the initial printing of the flash cards). We are on Lesson 85 and I’m already asking Julie for Volume 2.” – Katrina Sequenzia, Homeschool mom of 2 (ages 7 and 13)
If you aren’t sure which cycle to start with, watch this video for help: https://vimeo.com/318497753
The History cycles keep repeating all the way through high school. The next time your child is in Cycle 1, they will be promoted to a higher form, thus with new material. You will follow the alternative Morning Time options your second time through the cycle.
Here’s a scope and sequence: https://agentlefeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Scope-and-Sequence-2023.pdf
AGF follows Charlotte Mason’s prescription to start with the history of your own country.
Volume 1, pg. 281 “The early history of a nation is better fitted than its later records for the study of children, because the story moves on a few broad, simple lines; while statesmanship, so far as it exists, is no more than the efforts of a resourceful mind to cope with circumstances… In the early years, while there are no examinations ahead, and the children may yet go leisurely, let them get the spirit of history … stir your heart with the story of a great event, amuse you with pageants and shows, make you intimate with the great people, and friendly with the lowly. A child who has been carried through a single old chronicler in this way has a better foundation than if he knew all the dates and names and facts that ever were crammed for examination.”
See this blog post to learn more about Charlotte Mason’s approach to History.
Each cycle currently comes with a Canadian history option. This is digital only and not included in the printed Teacher book.
This chart shows you how the forms in A Gentle Feast are set up in comparison to US grades and the PNEU (Charlotte Mason’s programme)
Watch this video for more details about forms: https://vimeo.com/318499301
This is the main course portal for all the subjects for grades 1-12 except for Math. You will need to add on the other feast courses like Morning Time, Language Arts, and Enrichment separately.
This varies by form, but here is a list of subjects that are scheduled. You will need to access the living books scheduled, but many are obtainable from the library or in the public domain.
Bible Time
Beauty Loop (Poet Study, Picture Study, Composer Study, Hymn Study, Recitation, Fables/Hero Tales)
Geography (map work and a scheduled reader)
Natural History
Copywork, Dictation, and Creative Writing
Science (forms II and up)
*For Form IV, I have scheduled lessons from Sabbath Mood Homeschool’s Science guides. These guides will need to be purchased separately.
Grammar (forms II and up)
Shakespeare and Plutarch (forms II and up)
Read Alouds (forms I and II)
Singing (forms I and II)
Nature Study
French, Spanish, and Latin plans
You will need to provide your own math. I do give a list of my suggestions in the curriculum.
I really want to say true Miss Mason’ recommendations to not start formal lessons until age 6. That doesn’t mean your kindergartener or preschooler sits around all day. They are welcome to listen to the read alouds and participate in morning time, though neither of these should be mandatory. These years are vital for the laying the foundation for learning. I HIGHLY recommend reading Charlotte Mason’s first volume, Home Education during this time. Kindergarten is perfect time to learn letters and sounds using our phonemic awareness program 100 Gentle Lessons Letters in Sight and Sound and learning how to form letters with our 100 Gentle Lessons in Manuscript handwriting.
As a mom of 5 children, I totally get this. One year I had students in every form. I wrote A Gentle Feast with the goal of creating a family-centered program. The morning time brings everyone together with each different level reciting their own poems and reading their own fables. All your children will be studying the same time period, so they can listen to each other’s narrations or you may want to choose one spine to read aloud to several children. The nature study topics can also be done as a family. As Charlotte Mason used forms instead of grades, some of your children will naturally be combined. By looking at the booklist, you can continue to combine further. History and Geography are natural subjects to easily combine. Once students are reading well, I highly recommend each child reading their own literature independently (whether by eye or ear-for dyslexic and other learning exceptions). This can be nuanced and each family is so different. For more specifics, I highly recommend asking for input in our incredibly supportive Facebook group.
In the parent packet, I have included a sample schedule and tips for scheduling your day according to Charlotte Mason’s principles. Depending on when you start, morning lessons should be finished by lunch time. Activities for afternoon tea are included.
Welcome to the beautifully rich world of a Charlotte Mason Education! I created AGF to provide families with the hand holding I wish I would’ve had when I first started homeschooling. When you purchase AGF, you get an Introduction Course where I teach you how to get started with the curriculum and the foundational principles of A Charlotte Mason Education. In the parent packet, I walk you through how to approach each subject in a Charlotte Mason education. I also HIGHLY recommend reading For the Children’s Sake by Susan Shaeffer Macaulay. You can also sign up for my free beginner’s course HERE.
Since we follow the philosophy of Charlotte Mason, we have built our curriculum on her principles which need to be understood in order to use the curriculum in the most effective way. Miss Mason states in principle 20: “We allow no separation to grow up between the intellectual and ‘spiritual’ life of children, but teach them that the Divine Spirit has constant access to their spirits, and is their Continual Helper in all the interests, duties and joys of life.”
Another helpful quote by Miss Mason is:
“This idea of all education springing from and resting upon our relation to Almighty God-we do not merely give a religious education because that would seem to imply the possibility of some other education, a secular education, for example. But we hold that all education is divine, that every good gift of knowledge and insight comes from above, that the Lord the Holy Spirit is the supreme educator of mankind, and that the culmination of all education (which may at the same time be reached by a little child) is that personal knowledge of and intimacy with God in which our being finds its fullest perfection.”
I would also encourage you to think through what a Christian worldview truly means. Charlotte Mason’s view was not to give children cleaned up moralizing books with only one viewpoint. She believed that all true ideas were divinely inspired and that these ideas were best conveyed through living books, nature, and beauty. See here for more information on a sacred education: http://www.asacrededucation.com/a-sacred-education
You can read more about this in this wonderful article by Becky Anoi here: https://charlottemasonpoetry.org/charlotte-mason-and-worldview-formation/
You can read Charlotte’s words here:
This article sums up the philosophy for science books:
A Gentle Feast is pleased to offer a discount to all active military and missionaries (not church staff) who rely solely on support. If you would like more information, please email in**@ag**********.com.
Another helpful quote by Miss Mason is:
“This idea of all education springing from and resting upon our relation to Almighty God-we do not merely give a religious education because that would seem to imply the possibility of some other education, a secular education, for example. But we hold that all education is divine, that every good gift of knowledge and insight comes from above, that the Lord the Holy Spirit is the supreme educator of mankind, and that the culmination of all education (which may at the same time be reached by a little child) is that personal knowledge of and intimacy with God in which our being finds its fullest perfection.”
I would also encourage you to think through what a Christian worldview truly means. Charlotte Mason’s view was not to give children cleaned up moralizing books with only one viewpoint. She believed that all true ideas were divinely inspired and that these ideas were best conveyed through living books, nature, and beauty. See here for more information on a sacred education: http://www.asacrededucation.com/a-sacred-education
You can read more about this in this wonderful article by Becky Anoi here: https://charlottemasonpoetry.org/charlotte-mason-and-worldview-formation/
You can read Charlotte’s words here:
This article sums up the philosophy for science books:
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Here’s some helpful information:
Using the Charlotte Mason Method in High School YouTube playlist
Making transcripts for multiple history streams
Testimonial of an older student starting this curriculum
Absolutely! We love working with families to provide this rich living education in a variety of settings.
Here is all the information: https://agentlefeast.com/schools-and-co-ops/
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