I don't know about you, but at the start of Advent, I feel the pressure to do ALL the things! I want to give my children these warm, magical Christmas memories, but then I burn out and get GRUMPY! I've learned the magic of doing small, simple things consistently. When I am happy and relaxed, so are my kids. We enjoy each other and this season more. I created this Advent morning time packet as a tool to help you fill this season with books, beauty, and Biblical truth without losing your mind in the process.
This digital PDF is 65 color pages taking your family through seven lessons following the Christmas story. You can use this packet in several ways:
- Start seven weeks before Christmas and do one lesson per week, doing one of the activities each day.
- Start the week before Christmas and do all the lesson's activities each day.
- Use the readings on Sundays and save the rest do when your children are out of school on break.
For my family, we do option #2. I found that when we take an entire month off of school the lack of routine and structure make us all out of sorts. The seven days prior to Christmas Eve, we will do an extended morning time using all the lesson's activities and read Christmas books at leisure.
Each lesson focuses on a different aspect of the Christmas story. Here's what is included in each lesson:
- Bible Readings
- Classical music selection
- Hymn sheet music and links
- Poetry
- Picture Study
- A prayer
- Handicrafts and Recipes
BONUS: Copywork passages, printable gift tags, AND my list of FAVORITE Christmas picture and chapter books (over 40 books)
*PLEASE NOTE: This is a digital download. Nothing in print will be mailed to you. If you wish to print the files, you will need to print them from your home printer or send them to an office supply store. All digital downloads expire after 30 days and must be downloaded to your computer.
I pray your family may experience the richness of Christmas through the beautiful art and music, poems, scripture, and more found in this morning time packet.
Advent Blessings,
Julie Ross