My Favorite Picture Books for Fall

My Favorite Picture Books for Fall

Oh Fall, I just love you so much. Fall is hands down my favorite season. I’m thankful I can go outside without being drenched in sweat from Southern humidity. I love the colors, the crisp mornings, and ALL things pumpkin spice (yes, I totally fall for anything...
My Favorite Spring Children’s Books

My Favorite Spring Children’s Books

    Oh Spring. I am so glad you have arrived. The dreary days of Winter hang on my soul. Getting out in the sunshine, looking at the beautiful flowers, and hearing the return of the birds’ songs are so delightful. It also means it is time to replace...

My Favorite Winter Children’s Books

For a long while now, I have kept a thematic picture book basket out at my house. Each season, holiday, theme, etc. I change out the books. I own a great deal of these books from my former kindergarten classroom, but you can always get these titles from the library. ...